Filmmaker Siddharth Anand has confirmed the fourth edition of the Indian superhero franchise, Krrish. Hrithik Roshan will reprise his role as the protagonist in the fourth chapter of the film in the sci-fi fantasy franchise after Koi.. Mil Gaya, Krrish and Krrish 3.
Bollywood actor Hrithik Roshan provided an update on the fourth installment of Krrish three years ago, in 2021. But there hasn’t been an official update from the makers lately. But earlier this week, a social media page uploaded a poster of Hrithik in his Krrish outfit with the caption, “He’s coming.” Siddharth Anand replied to the post saying, “Yep, he is.”
Siddharth’s reply raises speculation on whether he would be directing the fourth film in the franchise after taking over the reins from Rakesh Roshan. There has been no clarity on this yet. Just earlier this year, Hrithik and Siddharth’s Fighter released in January. The two have also worked together in Bang Bang and War.
Krrish is one of Bollywood’s most successful franchises. Earlier in the year, Mid-day stated that Rakesh and Hrithik Roshan are working hard to develop an innovative and fresh concept for the upcoming film. While Hrithik is presently filming War 2, the script for Krrish 4 is rumoured to be in advanced stages. The team intends to begin filming the film by next year, said the report.
“Hrithik has scheduled brainstorming sessions throughout the summer. Both Rakesh and he want to deliver a story that will exceed expectations,” a source had told the publication at that time.