Anupam Kher, renowned for his versatile performances in Hindi cinema, recently engaged in a conversation with Pinkvilla, where he delved into the enduring legacy of Shah Rukh Khan’s stardom. Reflecting on Khan’s declaration, “I am the last of the stars,” Kher affirmed the sentiment, praising Khan’s longevity and impact in the industry. He remarked, “Shah Rukh ka style acha hai. He is right also. There were actors first…Dilip sahab (Dilip Kumar) 40-45 saal star rahe the.”
Kher’s acknowledgment of Shah Rukh Khan’s statement extends to recognizing the evolving landscape of Bollywood, where stardom faces new challenges amidst an abundance of choices for audiences. While Khan’s assertion resonates, Kher also acknowledges the enduring presence of stalwarts like Salman Khan, Akshay Kumar, and Ajay Devgn in maintaining their stardom amidst changing times. He emphasized, “So the fact that he made that statement and the fact that you remember it and you asked me about that….in today’s time, it’s tough for actors because choices are too many.”
In addition to discussing Khan’s statement, Kher shed light on his collaborative experience with Shah Rukh Khan, particularly ecalling an improvised dialogue from their iconic film, Dilwale Dulhania Le Jayenge.” Sharing insights into the creative process behind the memorable scene, Kher reminisced, “Shah Rukh & I improvised it on the spot. I felt at that moment that we should do something.” This behind-the-scenes glimpse offers fans a deeper understanding of the camaraderie and creativity shared between Kher and Khan, contributing to the enduring charm of their on-screen chemistry.
As fans continue to celebrate the cinematic contributions of Shah Rukh Khan and his contemporaries, Anupam Kher’s reflections offer a poignant tribute to the evolution of Bollywood stardom and the enduring impact of iconic collaborations in shaping the industry’s narrative.