Sunny Deol, who played one of the most beloved characters in the 1997 war drama Border, is all set to return with his action-packed avatar in the sequel which is also expected to star Ayushmann Khurrana. While the work on the film has already kick started, sources close to it have stated that the makers have finalized the details of when it will go on floors.
Adding to the excitement, a source cited some new developments on the film front, wherein it has been revealed that the team is expected to start shooting for the film in October later this year. The source revealed, “The team behind Border 2 has been working tireless to prepare everything and it’s been a long time in the making as they wanted to do justice to the magnitude of the first film. Now, as the preparations are almost done, the team will begin shooting, as it stands now, the team will begin shooting in October.”
On the other hand, in an earlier statement, sources had also spoken about the plotline of the film wherein it was stated that the film will not be a sequel of sorts as the source had added, “Border 2 is not going to be a sequel but instead it is a story that took place the same night of Border’s events. The battle of Longewala was fought not just by our Indian army but the Navy and the Air Force was also involved and the story of Border 2 will recap events from the perspectives of all three wings of the Indian Armed Forces.”