Bollywood Hungama was among the first to report that Salman Khan and Sajid Nadiadwala are reuniting again on an action-packed entertainer with AR Murugadoss as the director. We also reported how the film will be the big release during the Eid 2025 weekend. And now, we have another exclusive scoop for all our readers.
According to our highly placed sources, Sajid Nadiadwala is all set to make a mega announcement on Eid. “Sajid Nadiadwala and Salman Khan have decided to make a joint announcement as an Eid gift for all their fans. The hard-hitting and impactful title of their next collaboration will be announced on Eid,” a source told Bollywood Hungama.
The source further added that the title will add to the excitement around the project and it’s something that will blow everyone’s mind. “It’s not Kick 2 but a fresh project. The subject is close to the heart of AR Murugadoss, Sajid Nadiadwala, and Salman Khan and the trio can’t wait to make all the inside details public.”